Sunday 27 September 2015

End times!!

Look around.All we see is war, hatred, bitterness, envy, greed and sexual immorality. Although all of this existed from long ago, it's reached its peak now. There's hatred between mother and daughter, father and son. Machines are slowly replacing humans. A giant tsunami of Technology has overtaken this generation. Although it has a lot of advantages, the hidden disadvantages far outweigh them. 

From all of this, one thing is clear. Jesus is coming soon. Yes. You've heard it many times before and probably laugh at the whole concept. End of the world seems ridiculous. But the fact is, that's the truth, whether you believe it or not. Jesus is coming back to take with Him those who love Him and are waiting for Him. 

The world we now live in is a tent. All our worries and pain and problems will last only as long as we live here in flesh and body. But when Jesus comes, that's when we go to the place we can truly call our home. Heaven! Beautiful and spectacular in every detail !

The reason why Jesus still hasn't come is because of His great love and mercy. His abundant grace. He wants you to experience heaven. He wants to save you from hell. No matter what good you've done on earth, if you reject the real God, the one who created you, this universe, everything in it, and choose to bow down to what your hands have made, aren't you making a mistake, by default? It takes just one negative to make all positives, negatives.

We all need Jesus. We need His grace. Even before you knew Him, Jesus still decided to take your place on the cross and die for you so that all your sins would be forgiven. Jesus loves you. It is His grace that has still kept the breath of life in you. Know Jesus. It's not too late. Give your life to Him. Jesus is coming very soon. Not as a lamb but as the lion of Judah to judge the world! Worship the creator and not the creation! Jesus is waiting for you. Accept Jesus and get salvation for free! Hurry! Offer valid until grace lasts! 

Saturday 26 September 2015

Your comeback makes the difference!

The righteous do not give up. They don't get discouraged easily. Not because they're strong but because they worship a God who is their strength. Their source of hope is a God who never fails. 
We are called righteous when we live by faith and not by sight. When we don't see what's ahead of us, yet believe in the supernatural presence of our God. 
Put your hope in the Lord today. Don't stay down forever. Don't dwell in failure. Don't give up. Forget the humiliation. You are called to do more. You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. Life is full of chances. Try again. You may miss your target 10,000 times but you will nail it the 10,001th time. Your comeback makes the difference. Don't listen to the enemy.

The more the enemy tries and pushes you down, the stronger you will get back up on your feet. Like a spring, you will come back with ease. Jesus never fails. If He is the Lord of your life, He will be with you to pick you up when you fall. Like a father teaches his child to walk, Jesus will teach you how to walk. He will be there to catch you when you fall, wipe your tears when you're hurt, dust off the dirt to make you clean and carry you when you can't walk anymore. You will rise up with the strength of an eagle! 

Friday 18 September 2015

Call on Jesus!

Jesus did not come down to earth to establish religion. He came so that He can have a personal relationship with you. A relationship that can never ever be broken! Today if you think no one hears you, remember Jesus hears you. He will meet you at your point of need and save you. All you've got to do is to get on your knees and call on His Name! He's looking forward to meeting you. You are the one He's looking for. His love for you is not based on your colour, gender, education and qualification. His love is based on one thing. He wants you to be saved from the traps of hell and enjoy heaven for eternity. His ears are still open and He's waiting for your call!

Your past mistakes don't matter to him. He doesn't look at your past. He looks at you now at this very moment and loves you for who you are. He wants you to be just as how he's created you to be. He wants you to be like Him. You can't be like Him unless you know Him. Get to know Him. Spend some time with Him today.

He will answer you when you call Him and set you free from your bondage. He will strengthen you. He will give you the courage you need. He will hold your hands and walk with you. He will never leave you. He's watching over you. No one is like Him. His love for you can never be compared to anything! His love for you extends until infinity. Today if you hear His voice don't shut yourself to Him. Come to Jesus. He's waiting for you!When you call on Jesus, ALL things are possible. Impossibilities break. Miracles happen. 

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Freedom In Jesus Christ

According to the UNHCR, over 3 million men,women and children have fled from Syria looking for refuge in the neighboring countries. About 6.5 million have been internally displaced living in constant fear every minute. People fleeing on foot from their own towns, cities and county. Fleeing from violence. Inhumanity. Oppression. Brutality. Slavery. From a place where each day is a battle field! Setting out to a new land seeking peace, safety and a future where their children will not wake up to the sounds of gunshots. Or where they will all just wake up and live to see another day without fear.

As I was watching on TV, thousands of men, women and children carrying backpacks with just what they need for their journey, with the only dream of reaching a safe haven, I was reminded of this incident from the Bible. About 6 million headed out from a land of oppression to a land of pure comfort and peace. The journey was 40 years long!! They did not take the highway but a route across a desert. They did not have a map. They did not know where this land was. All they knew was that if God could rescue them from a land where they had been slaves for 430 years, He could lead them to the promised land. Yet, not all who set out in victory from Egypt reached Canaan. But only those who looked, not at their frailty but God's strength. Who did not grumble at difficulties but praised God for the coming victory. Those who did not give up on God! And God in His abundant mercy and grace brought them to the promised land. 

Today, A promised land is waiting for you! Freedom is just around the corner. Freedom from pain, sickness, depression, loneliness, bitterness, hatred, insecurity, inferiority complex and negativity. You are no more slaves to that. Because Jesus sets you free.

John 8:36 says,''So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!'' 

The doors are wide open for you. It's still not too late. In Jesus Christ we have all that we need. Love, joy, peace, happiness, strength, courage and freedom. Take refuge in Him. This is the moment. Don't delay further. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Enjoy freedom from sin and death and experience eternal life.

Say a word of prayer for the refugees today. 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Abundant life!

We often get caught up in our pursuit of happiness that we forget to pause and enjoy life. We are trapped in a web of worry and stress about the future that we forget to live the present to the fullest. Enjoying life means that we be content with what we have. When we're not content then nothing could ever satisfy us. We succumb to pressure, that we turn to things that give us momentary pleasure. Things like a wrong relationship, drugs and alcohol that provide a temporary relief. Little do we know that these are eating us up. We're consuming slow poison.  A relief that will very soon turn into the greatest regret. 

The devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour you and me(1 Peter 5:8). All He does is steal your joy, peace and happiness. He looks to sow the seeds of depression, hate and bitterness and murder our soul and crush our spirit. He will not relax until we're completely extinguished and destroyed. Until we're ready to rot in hell. Initially what he offers us will look attractive but at the end we will realise that they are in fact destructive. 

But don't worry. Our redeemer lives!! ( job 19:25). He has bought us at a price( 1 Corinthians 6:19). He has redeemed us from the clutches of sin and death and gifted us the joy of salvation. He came to give us life in abundance. In the midst of worldly sorrow and pain, you will still be able to look at your life, smile and thank God for His goodness. You will be able to withstand the storm. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. Nothing can ever discourage you and put you down. Because your eyes are always fixed on Jesus alone! He came to give you an eternal life! Eternal peace, truth, happiness and comfort. Jesus wants you to live and not die. He wants you to spend eternity in heaven with Him. All you've got to do is accept the offer and try Jesus. 

Jesus is our Best Friend!


Friends are indispensable in our lives. Real friends stick with each other in times of difficulties more than in times of celebration. You have the liberty to wake them up in the middle of the night just to speak with them because you can't get any sleep. When you're broke and your friend's got just enough money to buy one sandwich, you have nothing to worry about. He or she will still share it with you. Things your parents may not know about you, your best friend will know. Your deepest secrets. What you like and what you don't like, whether your lying or speaking the truth. If there's something wrong in your life, your best friend will be the first one to find out just by looking at you. No matter how hard you try to camouflage what's happening within you, you are transparent when you're around your best friend. She or he can see right through you. Even if there are ten people stronger than you, coming against you, your best friend will stand up for you. He or she will speak for you and sometimes take your punishment. He or she will tell you,'Hey chill. I'll take care of it!' But deep inside they're as scared of them as you are. But their love for you makes them bold enough to face their fears. 

If you have a friend like that count yourself blessed. If you don't, you're not missing out on anything either. Because you still have a best friend. The best of all best friends! And That is Jesus! Our best friend!! He calls us His friends. Not his minions( although minions are cute). He doesn't call us His slaves, His subjects, His servants, but His friends. The God of all creation calls us His friends. Who are we ? Nothing but clay! Yet He is mindful of us! He shares secrets with us. Makes us laugh when we're down. Comforts us when we need it the most. Cheers us up when we're at a loss for hope. We can always count on Him. He is trustworthy and faithful. He never will disappoint us.

When we do what He commands us, we become His friends. Guess what that command is? That we may love one another just like how He loves us! When we were still sinners, He died for us. Just so that you and I can live freely and eternally! He stood up for us and He still does. Always speaking to the Father on our behalf and giving us more grace and mercy as each day passes by. Hoping and waiting that you would see clearly how much He loves you. Giving you another chance. His arms are still stretched out for you. Why don't you run to Him? Jesus is your best friend! The best thing that could ever happen to you!

Sunday 13 September 2015

No more darkness!

Darkness makes us blind to the truth. When we live in darkness, we live by our own standards. We set our rules and soak in sin. The world we now live in is filled with darkness. People start making compromises just to have a sense of belonging. There is no difference between right and wrong. There is a huge sense of insecurity, depression and loneliness. We cling on to what we find in the dark. Our hope is not anchored. There's nothing that could give us an eternal peace and happiness as long as we float in darkness. One leads another but little do they know that they both are drifting towards nothingness. 

That is why Jesus came. He is the light of the world! Darkness cannot overcome His light and where He is, there no place for darkness! In Him we see ourselves more clearly. He makes us realise that we were looking for peace in the wrong place. Love from the wrong person. Hope from something hopeless. All along we've been holding on to something that we should've let go of long back! 

As you look at the paths you've taken, the trails you've left behind, a sense of shame grips you. But Jesus, wipes away that disgrace and gives you a fresh start. When you forget your past, surrender your present, then you've got a hope for your future. A new life in Him. In His light we have clarity and not confusion. Hope and not despair. Peace and not stress. Love and not loneliness. Laughter and not depression. In Him you have life and have it more abundantly(John 10:10). You are no longer a slave of darkness but a child of light( John 12:36). So forget the things of the dark and walk in the light. Allow Jesus in your heart. He loves you and will give you the love, joy, hope and peace you need, no matter what situation you are in! 


The power of our faith is immense. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains(Luke 17:6). Faith with absolute certainty! A child like faith is all God expects from us( Luke 18:17). Being confident that God will do something, without seeing the blueprint in His hands is faith.
Are you waiting for a miracle in your life today? Has the wait been too long that you're about to give up? May your faith increase like never before! We live by faith and not be sight( 2 Corinthians 5:7). Without faith we can never ever please God(Hebrews 11:6). Don't lose hope. Difficult situations in life call for stronger faith in God. Do you think it's difficult for the God, who created everything from the tiniest quarks to the biggest galaxy out there known to man, to heal? To give you the job you wanted? To make your marriage happen? To smoothen things at work? To meet your financial needs? To give u a child? To give you the future you dream of? No. With God all things are possible!(Mark 10:27). 

Everything is possible to one who believes( Mark 9:23). 
We must not stop with just believing because faith without actions is dead(James 2:26). Believe that God will do this! Confess with your mouth that your miracle is on the way! And most importantly, start doing what God tells you to do. Roll away those stones in your life that stops God from working in you. Fill the jars with water to the brim. In other words read the word of God more and more. Ask  God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Keep knocking at the door till you get an answer. Pray and keep on praying. Be persistent, consistent and pray without ceasing. Try to please Him in all your words,actions and thoughts. Praise Him for the many things He's done in your life. Stand firm in your faith. Believe in Him, because when you do, YOU WILL see the miracle happen right in front of your eyes. 
"So is my word that goes out from my mouth;It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."- Isaiah 55:11

Friday 11 September 2015

The Good shepherd!

Even if u were the only one in this world, Jesus would've still died for you on the cross to bear the punishment for your sins. That's how much He loves you. No one in this world will be willing to take the blame for what we've done even if the fault is not  ours. The world looks only to blame you. But Jesus, He laid down His life for us while we were still sinners. 

We do not deserve this love. We are unworthy. Yet, God looks at us and says, 'You are precious and honoured in my sight. I have engraved you in the palm of my hands. I know you completely. I love you no matter what. I love you more than anything. You're all I want. Believe in me. Have faith. Come and stay with me forever. Enjoy the beauty of my kingdom. I give you eternal life, that you may live and not perish. That you may enjoy heaven and elude hell. You are mine. I will never let you go. I will never leave you nor forsake you.'

The purpose of life is only that we may live to proclaim His praise and die only to live again, but this time eternally, with God. God is love. In love He chose us before the creation of this world. He is truly, deeply in love with us. That is the only reason Jesus died on the cross for us. Saving us from the wrath of God and paving for us, a road to heaven. He went through shame and disgrace just for you. He went through pain and torture just for you. He went through humiliation and disrespect just for you. That you may have eternal life forever in the most beautiful place called heaven and never suffer in hell for eternity.
 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my Father's hand."- John 10:27,28 
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly"- John 10:10 

Thursday 10 September 2015


God will never test you beyond your threshold. He knows your critical point. This period of trouble and hardships you are going through is just a process to shape you up. To prepare you for something better. When you face hardships, never forget that you serve a God who looks at you and tells you," My grace is sufficient for you.."(1 Corinthians 12:8). Keep pushing hard and put your hope in the Lord. 

When in fear, trust God more than usual. Wrap your hands around Him and hold Him tight. Even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, don't not be afraid. For God is with you and He will go before you. Pray for patience. Pray more and praise Him more. Invoke God's presence in your life everyday. Because in Him, through all these things, you are more than a conqueror. Thank God for everything that happens in your life. When you love God, know that all things happen together for good!! If you think you've got nothing good enough to thank God for, thank Him for the breath of life He has given you! 

When you've stood firm enough, remember that a crown of life is awaiting you. I pray that God will increase your patience. That you will see the purpose behind your problems. That you may glorify God for the beautiful miracle that is about to happen. That you will stand up for Jesus in the midst of trials and love Him truly,  not just in your good times but more during your difficulties. Never give up on God. You are being refined by the hands of the master so that you may come out to be a beautiful instrument in His hands. God has picked you out of many to chisel out the unwanted parts. You are sifted by Him to get rid of the stones and rocks to make you clean. You are being sculpted by God's own hands. If you want to know how He will turn you into, take a look around. The evidence of His splendid work is all around us. He knows what He's doing. Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the joy we are about to experience! May the joy of the Lord be your strength.

Sunday 6 September 2015

When is God on your side?

Don't be afraid of man. You've got God on your side. God sees your heart. All the things unnoticed by man God notes them down carefully and He will reward you in due time. Your motives and intentions, He sees. The way you try to help those around you and put them before yourself pleases God. He listens to the kind words you speak to encourage someone. All your good deeds are not forgotten. God is keeping a record of all everything. Good or bad!  

When can we boldly say "When God is for us who can be against us?" Only when we please God in all that we do. God has called us to lead a holy life(1 Thessalonians 4:7). Only when we live according to God's standards. Only when we love one another as much as  we love ourselves. Only when we lead a life of holiness. Not outwardly but inwardly. Our thoughts, actions and words must be holy especially when there's no one looking. God has called us to lead a holy life(1 Thessalonians 4:7). Only when we don't step down from our values and belief system and stop compromising with the world will He be on our side. Our life must be selfless, filled with empathy and love( Romans 12:1,2). Our words must comfort those who have spent nights in sorrow and encourage those who live in fear about tomorrow. Our faith in God must be unshakeable in the midst of a hurricane! 

When you do all this, God joins your team and gets into the field. "Watch me!"He says and scores a goal for you! He will not back down until you've won the game and received the trophy! With God by your side you can leap over a wall. You can march against an army! 

Saturday 5 September 2015

God's love

LOVE! A word so easily misinterpreted by the world. God is the true definition of love. God is love. God created the heavens and the earth. 'Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness'(Genesis 1:2). By His Word therefore God made the world. He created you and me and we became His world. All He ever thinks about is you and me. All He ever wants is a personal relationship with each one of us. All He wants is to be with you and me. Forever. But then sin entered the world and it prevented us from being who God wanted us to be. Nothing could ever redeem us back to Him but the blood of Jesus. No sin offering too great could make us good enough to inherit the gift of salvation but Jesus.
And that is the reason God sent down His one and only Son! To take our place on the cross, to die a death of shame, to take away our disgrace! The same Jesus who saw us being formed in our mother's womb knew He had to die so that we would live! God loves us so much that He sacrificed His own Son for us. Nothing else matters to Him except you and me. Even before the creation of the world He chose us and in love destined us to be adopted as His children. This gave Him pleasure and it was all He ever wanted(Ephesians 1:4,5). Even the mountains can be brought down to nothing and the hills could vanish into thin air but His unfailing love for you will never be shaken(Isaiah 54:10). 
A caterpillar would've never thought there's life beyond the cocoon. The cocoon is its world. It can crawl inside as much as it wants. To its heart's content. It laughs at the thought of being able to fly. The thought of life outside the cocoon is just ridiculous. But hey, it comes out of that small cocoon as a beautiful butterfly. Dressed in the best of colours. Once looked upon with disgust, everyone now looks at it with such joy and awe. It defies gravity as it flies above the ground. Flower to flower it flies. Living on honey all its life! 
There is life after death. Unlike the butterfly we will live forever once we get out of this cocoon like world! That's exactly why Jesus came down to earth(1 John 5:11,12, Hebrews 9:28). Life not as another avatar but just as how we are now. Heaven is much more beautiful than the most beautiful places on earth. Is heaven part of the list of places you want to visit? The best part is when you accept Jesus you've just gained a one way ticket to heaven. What more? You've become a citizen in the kingdom of God for eternity! To live with the Only one who is truly, deeply in love with you. God is love and no other! Jesus loves you!! 

Friday 4 September 2015

Don't retaliate!

Words can build or break. Sometimes we come across certain people who find pleasure in mocking us or insulting us. We are laughed at either in our face or behind our back. It goes to an extent that we begin loosing our dignity and self respect. Others take us for a ride. Most of the time we're impulsive. We speak back. We develop a great comeback line and insult them even more. It's very evident on social media these days. People jump in to pass hurtful comments and never miss a chance to pounce on one another! It's highly prevalent in our everyday lives. In our schools, colleges, workplace and sometimes even at home.

What would Jesus do if He was in the same situation. He is the Son of God. God sent. He performed signs and wonders, set the captives free, bound up the broken hearted, proclaimed freedom to bring everyone to light. In His light! ( Isaiah 61:1). This was His job description! 

Even though Jesus did not deserve death, He gave Himself up as a willing sacrifice to suffer and die for our sins. ( Luke 23:14, 2 Corinthians 5:21). They mocked Him, insulted Him, ridiculed Him, yet through it all, He answered them back with silence. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, a sheep before its shearers Jesus was silent. He was crushed, oppressed, afflicted. Yet He was silent!(Isaiah 53:7). Because He was obedient to the will of God!

Let's follow the example of Christ. No matter how the world insults you, don't insult them back but bless them. Repay good with evil. Be kind and don't start an argument. Bless those who curse you. Love those who hurt you. (Romans 12:19, 21, Leviticus 19:12). Never take revenge! Because we serve a just God. He will defend our cause( Leviticus 19:18). He will save you with divine retribution( Isaiah 35:4). Repay hate with love. Love others as yourself. Go out of the way to help someone you're angry with. Walk an extra mile for them. Be the first to say sorry. Even when it was not your fault! Never repay insult with insult! Let God do the talking! Do you want to speak for yourself or do you want God to speak for you?

Thursday 3 September 2015

A clean slate!

The extent to which God forgives us is amazing. The dimensions are beyond our imagination. Don't dwell on your past mistakes. Don't let them haunt you. Don't believe the devil's lies that God wouldn't love you for all that you've done. Nothing can separate you from the love of God( Romans 8:39). Jesus hates the sin but looks at us, sinners and calls us friends! Jesus came down for sinners like us. Who needs a cure? The sick or the healthy? It's we who need Jesus! Freedom and forgiveness! His grace and mercy! It's we who need the gift of salvation that He freely gives through the power of His resurrection! Now more than ever!!

God would never treat you according to what your sins deserve. (Psalm 103:10) The moment you confess your sins and want God to take control of your life, he puts all of them behind His back and gives you a fresh start( Isaiah 38:17). No matter how wicked you've been, God will cleanse you from your sins but ONLY when you confess( 1 John 1:8-10). Confess and don't conceal( Proverbs 28:13). He is faithful to forgive you because He never runs out of mercy. They are new every morning( Lamentations 3:22,23). 

He doesn't stop with just forgiving our sins but He also forgets about them (Jeremiah 31:34). He doesn't look at you as the world does. The world says,"Once a cheater, always a cheater!". But God looks at you and says,"No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God."-1John 3:10. You are born of God!

You may have deceived someone. But when you accepted Jesus, through Him you will be made trustworthy. Or if your trust was broken so many times that you cannot trust anyone anymore, trust God. He won't allow a wrong relationship in your life. Allow God to take the wheel while you take the back seat. He's in control. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. 

Receive His forgiveness. His grace and mercy. Repent from your sins. Jesus is about to pay a second visit to the world. He will judge every deed, good and evil and repay us accordingly. He will come to take all of us who believe in His name and are baptised when there is still time. To take us into His glory. To gift us the eternal life we are hoping for! To be with Him forever. Amen! 

Monday 31 August 2015

More than a 911!

I searched for an analogy to compare the constant presence of God in our lives but found none! No surprise there! There is no one like our God. None that could compare to His likeness. He is ever present. When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, he is right there with you. When you walk through the fire, He covers you under His wings. He hears you even before you call Him. He knows your heart beat. He knows your thoughts. He knows your fears. He sees your struggles.You are not alone.

The breath of life that you and I have this moment is a hidden privilege. Something that we rarely thank God for. We hear of accidents, acts of brutality and violence, deadly diseases, wars and inhumane practices against fellow human beings yet, we enjoy this moment of peace and quiet. This life we so enjoy is a gift from God. God is our constant source of strength and refuge. He is waiting for that day when you will have the most perfect encounter with Him. When you will uncover the true meaning of life! Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, whether you need Him or not, the truth of the matter is, Jesus loves you. He still loves you. Don't slam the door shut in His face. He is waiting for you right outside, but the key to that door is in your hands. It is grace that prevents Him from leaving you. 

John 10:9,10 says, 'I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.'

God sends His angels to guard over your every step. When your feet slipped for a moment, it was the angel of God who caught you and saved you from what could've been a fatal fall. Something as small as missing a train, waking up late, getting stuck in traffic, bending down to look for something, running out of sugar, taking the stairs, the deviation from the regular routine did not happen as a coincidence but according to God's master plan to save you from a cruel danger. Often you may not notice this moment of rebirth. Often instead of thanking God, you may get angry with Him. We forget that God sees the big picture of our life and what we see is just the teaser. 

Our God is quicker than any 911! He is more than a response in times of emergency. He is more than a solution but a permanent fix. While in a flood, some hold on to logs of wood and stone. They've got a momentary grip. Like the piece of wreck they hold on to, they too are headed for a fall. But for us, we hold on to Christ our Anchor. The Author of our salvation. The Life Saver. Our Shade in the desert.

Psalm 121:2
My help comes from the Lord- the Maker of heaven and earth. 

Psalm 37: 23,24
The Lord firms the steps of the one who delights in Him. Though He may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Psalm 91:9 - 16
If you say,"The Lord is my refuge,"and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you,no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. "Because he loves me" says the Lord,"I will rescue him; I will protect Him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with Him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

Sunday 30 August 2015

While we were still sinners!

This is how much God loves us. Jesus lay down His life on that cross just to pay the price for our sins. He doesn't want you to perish and taste death. He wants to you to be free and enjoy eternal life with Him in heaven. Heaven is a beautiful place. There's only joy and peace. Jesus can change your little world into heaven when you allow Him to. Jesus died on that cross so that we didn't have to. He took up our sins. He bore our punishment. Just for us.

It is highly unlikely that someone would lay down his life for another. Maybe for someone who is highly honoured, respected and noble, there might be someone ready to take a bullet for him. But for someone wicked? An adulterer? A thief? A murderer? A cheater? A liar? The good news is, there is someone. His name is Jesus. Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. He died not because we are any good. Not because we are worthy. Not because we are righteous. But because he loves us. Because God wants to be our father. He yearns to have a personal relationship with you. 

He loves you even in your darkest moment. When man doesn't want to take a second look at you because of the things you have done, Jesus looks at you with love in his eyes. With mercy and grace He will heal you. He won't condemn you. He is ready to forgive you. He will help you get out of this. He will stretch out his arm toward you and accept you for who you are. He will make you new. He will help you start over. He will help you set things right with God and man. We don't deserve this Kind of love. No one has gone through what Jesus went through just so that He could win you over. His death was not easy. He was flogged severely. He was pierced. A crown of thorns was thrust on his head. They nailed him to the cross. The pain was unbearable. There he was. Hanging on a cross. Gravity weighed him down. He bled till the last drop. Bled and died. He died wanting to give you life. He died wanting to give you hope, Peace & Love. He died wanting to give you freedom. Through the power of His resurrection there is freedom. Freedom from sin and death. Freedom from worries and stress. He died wanting you to Know Him. Know Jesus, know peace. No Jesus, no peace. 

Saturday 29 August 2015

Miracles and wonders.

God is putting all the pieces of your life's puzzles together. You may look at it in part and worry about how it's so messed up. But Jesus, He sees your future and not your past. He holds your tomorrow in His hands. He sees your end from the beginning. He's got a beautiful plan for you. He knows what's in store for you. You don't have to worry about what will happen next because you have God as your pillar of Hope. He is your strength isn't He? 

You held on to God when life hit you hard. Your friends and relatives abandoned you and mocked you, yet in the midst of all those humiliation you cried out to God. Man may not respect you for who you are but because you love God and your hope is in Him, heaven rejoices over you. 

Because you never turned away from God in difficult situations and your love for Him increased day by day, God says "A miracle is on its way!". It's going to blow away your mind. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has ever conceived what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him! All things work together for good for those who love God! For you and me. His ways, his thoughts are higher than ours. He who began this good work in you will bring it into completion until the day Jesus comes back. God's word will accomplish what it says and will not return back to Him empty.

Others will see this huge difference in your life, how your life has been transformed. You were once in a slimy pit, humiliated and rejected. Considered worthless and good for nothing. There was one thing in your life that gave you a lot of pain. Yet in all that, your faith in God grew stronger and God became your strength. God will lift you up in due time. Until then be safe in His arms. Hold on to Him. Stand firm in your faith. He performs wonders that you cannot understand. He performs miracles that cannot be counted. 

Yet, I will rejoice.


Our relationship with God must not be based on what we receive from Him. Our faith must not be based on evidence. Our love for God must be unconditional. Limitless. Unending. Boundless. Infinite. Eternal. Unswerving. Because He loves us more than what we deserve. Real love needs no reason. God's love is so real and true. There are a million reasons why He shouldn't love us. Just take a trip down memory lane and you'll see. But Jesus does not need a reason to love you. You are His child. His Prince and Princess. He doesn't need us but wants us. He's got a palace ready for each one of us up there in heaven. He loves us so much that He wants us to spend eternity with Him there. An eternity without tears, pain, fear, hopelessness and worries common to man. 

How can we shift focus from our problems to Peace? How can we celebrate when we're bankrupt? How can we smile when we are in pain? How can we rejoice in the Lord when we suffer in agony? How can have joy in God  when our hope has been crushed?  

By fixing our eyes on Jesus. By seeing everything through His eyes. You are His child. Will He leave you in your moment of despair? He will fulfil all your needs. He cares for you. You are precious and honoured in His sight, remember? He who dresses up the butterflies in all those beautiful colors, who holds the universe in place, who made everything on earth so beautiful, has engraved you in the palm of His hands. He values you above everything. When you walk in the valley of pain, loneliness, bankruptcy, stress, rejection, depression, just keep in mind, You are not alone! The Almighty God goes ahead of you making all the crooked paths straight. He will hold your hand and lead you out of it. Even the trace of suffering will not be found in you. The joy you are about to experience is inexplicable. With Him you can experience heaven right here on earth. Right in the midst of all your pain.  

For all that you are going through, turn to God. Thank Him. You are going to make it through. Praise Him for what's about to happen. Praise Him for this training period. Rejoice in Him. Sing love songs to Him. Fill your heart with the joy of the Lord. Don't worry about tomorrow. He's got this! This is just gonna make you stronger. Let us say, "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my savior" 

Thursday 27 August 2015


The tongue although a small part of our body is the most powerful organ. A huge forest fire starts with just a tiny spark. Likewise our tongue is so small yet so significant. We cannot tame our tongue by ourselves. We've got to submit ourselves to God and He will put His words in our mouth so that each word that comes out will glorify Him. 
                            Sometimes, it's better to remain silent than utter a word. Jesus Himself is a great example for us to learn from. There are many instances when He was silent. Silent to false accusations. He spoke few words yet they were so powerful. Sometimes silence is the best. When we are silent to accusations and negative criticism, God Himself will speak up for us. The Holy Spirit will give us the right words to speak at that moment. Until then we need to stay quiet and calm. Even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent. Let us be conscious of what we speak. Let us have our mind renewed constantly by the word of God.  Let us make a covenant that no unclean word will come out of our mouth. 
                          Always fill yourselves with the word of God. Fill your heart with God's love. Let it be rich, abundant and overflowing so that the words you speak will reflect the love of God. Let your conversations be holy.  Always think before you let out a word. The power of life and death is in your tongue. Speak life. Our words must encourage one another and not crush their spirits. Our words must heal, not hurt. Build, not break. Comfort, not condemn. Pure, not perverse. Mend, not mock. Love, not hate. Let the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be pleasing in the sight of God.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Set me free!

Jesus came down to this earth. Not to condemn but to care. Not to destroy but to build up. Not to hate but to love. Not to forsake you but to redeem you. Jesus came so you may live and not die. To give you eternal life. To save u from the wrath of God.

Jesus came to set the captives free. To set free those who lock up themselves within a prison and refuse to come out. A prison of despair. A prison of insecurity. A prison of loneliness. A prison of fear. A prison of hopelessness. A prison of shame. A prison of guilt. A prison of regret. But Jesus, will break your chains. He will break the iron bars. He will hold your hand and bring you out of the prison you are in. Sin has no control over you. Death has no control over you. Because you have been set free. Freedom is yours in Christ Jesus. 

Jesus came so that those who refuse to stay blind to Him, might see Him. To recover sight to those who are blind to evil. To recover sight to those who look at the problems in their life.He will open up your eyes so that you will stop focussing on your problems and start focusing on God. Because when you do, a solution is on its way. You will see the big picture!! 

Jesus came to set the oppressed free. Never think that no one sees your pain. God is watching. You wet your pillows every night with your tears. God has collected each and every drop. Jesus loves you and he cares for you. He will set you free from abusive relationship. He will set you free from hidden sins. He will set you free from inferiority complex. He will set you free from addiction. He will set you free from your past mistakes! The blood of Jesus will cover you and you will be able to do all things through Jesus who strengthens you.

When you believe in Jesus and allow Him into your heart, you will be made new. Your old self has passed away. You will have peace like never before. You will learn to smile at the storm! You will have life and have it abundantly. 

Tuesday 25 August 2015


When God made man He could've written a set of codes and programmed them into his memory so that he would do everything just as He wanted. The God who made galaxies and beyond can definitely make a robot! It's like the alphabet to Him. But hey! God wants no Siri! God wants you and me! He calls us each by name. He knew each one of us even before we were formed in our mother's womb! He knew this day would come. All that He is longing for, is a personal relationship with you and me. He does not force Himself on us. He knows love is not something to be forced. He wants us to love Him with all our heart, soul and mind. Complete adoration. 
                                 That is the reason He gave us the freedom of choice. It all began with Adam and Eve. God gave them freewill. A choice to obey or disobey. They chose to disobey. And hence, the birth of sin! You and I would've done the same, sooner or later. The choices we make today decide the consequences we would face tomorrow. Life is full of choices.
                                 God's desire for each one of us is that we will not perish but live eternally like Him. With Him. That was what He intended. But through the disobedience of one man, sin prevailed. Death came into existence. But God in His immense love for us, sent down His own son Jesus so that through Him our purpose would be fulfilled. Jesus gave Himself up as a sin offering, as a willing sacrifice so that our sins maybe atoned for. So that you would be made perfect through Him. So that you would escape death and enjoy eternal life. 
                                God is slow to anger, rich in mercy and abounding in love. He is at the same time a consuming fire. He cannot stand our sins. He is a Holy God, but our unholiness and rebellious attitude calls for His wrath on us. But we are saved through grace. Saved through Jesus. Made perfect in Him. Believe in the name of  Jesus. Confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that He is the only way to salvation. Because He is. Again you are faced with a choice. A choice between freedom and captivity. A choice between holiness and sin. A choice between heaven and hell. A choice between life and death. What do you choose today?

Monday 24 August 2015

Just for you.

Jesus,the sinless lamb of God. The definition of Holiness. The only standard for purity. Men heaped accusation upon accusation. Insult upon insult. They mocked Him, spat on His face, placed a crown of thorns on His head, gave Him vinegar to drink, made Him walk barefoot on a rugged road. Stones must've torn His feet. To top it all, He was made to carry a cross. He was whipped. He was pierced with sharp nails. Blood gushed out of His body. Till there was none left. All for you and me. He took our place so that we may not be condemned to hell but would enjoy eternal life with Him forever in heaven. 
                           There are times when you reject God completely. You even question His existence. But it is only because of Him that you have the privilege of being alive. We hear of accidents, natural disasters, war and death everyday. We live in a world that is void of love and mercy for one another.  Yet, God in His great mercy, has protected you. He has given you the breath of life. All because of His grace. All because He wants you to spend eternity with Him. All because He wants you to taste the joy of salvation. All because He wants you to experience peace that surpasses all understanding. All because you are precious and honoured in His sight. All because He cares for you. All because He loves you.
                           You don't have to slaughter animals for your forgiveness. Our God is not pleased with our sin offerings or burnt offerings. He is not delighted in traditions and rituals. He does not enjoy the blood of lambs and bulls or the flesh of any living creature. He does not want you to tear your flesh and shed blood so that your sins will be given. So that you will be blessed. So that God will listen and answer your prayers. NO!! Your sins have been washed away. You are forgiven. You have a new life. Because, Jesus has paid the price in full. He has redeemed you. He sacrificed Himself for you! All this because he does not want you to perish. But have an eternal life. There is life after death. You are not going to born in any other avatar but you will retain this image of God you have by default and spend the rest of eternity in a place where there will be joy instead of tears, peace instead of purpose, happiness instead of sorrow! All you have to do to get there is to have faith in Jesus. That He is God and there is no other like Him. That Jesus, He is the way, He is the truth, He is the life and that there is salvation in no other name but the name of Jesus! Repent, Believe and you will be saved. 

Sunday 23 August 2015

Why do we face trouble?

You and I are sons and daughters of the living God through Jesus Christ. We are born of God. God disciplines those He loves. You and me. Just like a father disciplines His child. He is our father. The problems you face, is not to pull you down but to push you up, towards God. This trouble you face is not a punishment but it's a training for what's ahead of you. God has allowed certain things in your life so that through it all you will come out strong. Like gold tested in fire! It is cleansed of all impurities and comes out in its purest form. 
               You will walk through waters. You will pass through rivers. You will walk in fire. God doesn't promise an easy way out. He is no genie! He is God! He is above everything. He created the waters. He created fire. And everything else. He will come down and hold your hand and lead you out of it. You will walk through fire yet not one of your hair will be singed. You will walk through waters yet on dry land. You will walk through storm yet you will find rest. Because God has redeemed you. God looks at you and says, "YOU ARE MINE!! You were bought at a price. You are precious and honored in sight!" 
             The road you walk now maybe filled with thorns and rocks. But God promises that surely there is an end. All your hopes and longings will not be cut off. At the end of that road you will find a reward for your patience, long suffering, pain, hurt, your acts of love in the midst of sorrows, acts of generosity in the midst of little, acts of kindness in the midst of hurt, acts of gentleness in the midst of abuse! Great is your reward. God sees your tears. He cares for you more than anyone in this world. You are not alone. Because Jesus loves you. More than you can imagine.
The pain you are suffering now cannot be compared to the joy that is on its way. Just like how a mother doesn't remember the pain during childbirth, the moment she sees the baby in her hands. God knows what's best for you. Surrender your life to Jesus because only He can mend a broken heart! He is close to the brokenhearted and those whose spirits are crushed. You will overcome this training with the strength of an eagle. Endure hardship and count it a blessing to be rebuked by our father. God Himself!

Saturday 22 August 2015

Needs and Wants!

Often in life we battle between our needs and wants. Have you come across someone who has less than what you have yet are more happy? Being content with what you have is a blessing. God has called us to lead a life of contentment. He wants us to be happy with what we have and not envy at others who have more. Mark 11:24 says, "Therefore  I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours." When Jesus was on earth He taught everyone a beautiful prayer. Ask for His will to be done. Ask for Him to come soon. Ask for Him to supply your food. Ask Him for forgiveness. Ask Him for protection from temptation. In addition ask for joy in the midst of sorrow. Ask for strength in the midst of weakness. Ask for patience in the midst of suffering. Ask for peace in the midst of problems. Ask and you will receive(Matthew 7:7)! 
                                                              We need to be mindful of what we ask. God has called us to lead a life of Godliness. 1 Timothy 6:6-10 says,'But Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.' He goes on to say in verse 11, 'But you, man of God, flee from all this and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
                                                               We do not receive some things we ask because we ask them with selfish motives(James 4:3). We ask so that we may lead a luxurious life. We compare ourselves with others. That only leads to worrying. We look at people who have no fear of God or even lack a good conscience, yet are wealthy. We get so worked up about it. We just can't stop thinking about them. We forget that we serve a God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills! The wealth in every mine! Money is not going to get you to heaven. The world we now live in is just a temporary shack. Our purpose is higher. There is a greater calling. 
                                                               But as humans we all want to have a good life as long as we live on earth. Our God is the creator the whole universe and beyond. We read in Psalm 50:10-12 about God's wealth. The world and all in it belongs to Him. And the best part? When we believe in Him, we become His children and He, our father!! (John 1:12) Won't He bless you? Won't He supply all your needs? Let me prove to you that He will. His words are true and he keeps His promises.

Psalm 34:9, 10 - ..Those who fear the Lord lack nothing...Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

Psalm 37:25,26- ..Yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; Their children will be a blessing.

2 Peter 1:3- His divine power has given us everything we need for a Godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

John 10:10 - I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly.
How do we have life?
Proverbs 19:23- The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble.

                                                When Jesus was on earth, although He was the Son of God, He chose to lead the life of a common man. There were times when He went hungry. There were times when He was thirsty. There were times when the disciples did not have money to pay tax. They always walked from one place to another(Not that cars were in town but donkeys were!). They were not rich enough to feed to five thousand(men alone). Even apostles like Peter, John, Paul and many more were not leading a life of luxury. In Phillipians 4:12, 13 Paul says, 'I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.' They all had the word of God in their hearts and an unshakable faith In God. They believed that nothing is impossible with God! 
                                                  We need to take one day at a time. We must not worry about tomorrow. We must be renewed in mind and soul each day by spending time with God. Our soul must be rich with the word of God. We need to help one another in need because He who gives money to the poor lends to God Himself. The more you are generous and helpful, the more you store up treasures for you in heaven. Greater will be your reward. Commit your ways to the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. God has called us to lead a life of godliness and holiness. God wants us to be content. Matthew 6:33,' Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will given to you as well.' He will feed you, clothe you and grant you all your needs. Humble yourself in the hands of God and He will lift you up in due time! 

Finally, 'Dear friend, I pray that all may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well' - 3 John 2
Aim for spiritual wealth and and everything else will follow.