When God made man He could've written a set of codes and programmed them into his memory so that he would do everything just as He wanted. The God who made galaxies and beyond can definitely make a robot! It's like the alphabet to Him. But hey! God wants no Siri! God wants you and me! He calls us each by name. He knew each one of us even before we were formed in our mother's womb! He knew this day would come. All that He is longing for, is a personal relationship with you and me. He does not force Himself on us. He knows love is not something to be forced. He wants us to love Him with all our heart, soul and mind. Complete adoration.
That is the reason He gave us the freedom of choice. It all began with Adam and Eve. God gave them freewill. A choice to obey or disobey. They chose to disobey. And hence, the birth of sin! You and I would've done the same, sooner or later. The choices we make today decide the consequences we would face tomorrow. Life is full of choices.
God's desire for each one of us is that we will not perish but live eternally like Him. With Him. That was what He intended. But through the disobedience of one man, sin prevailed. Death came into existence. But God in His immense love for us, sent down His own son Jesus so that through Him our purpose would be fulfilled. Jesus gave Himself up as a sin offering, as a willing sacrifice so that our sins maybe atoned for. So that you would be made perfect through Him. So that you would escape death and enjoy eternal life.
God is slow to anger, rich in mercy and abounding in love. He is at the same time a consuming fire. He cannot stand our sins. He is a Holy God, but our unholiness and rebellious attitude calls for His wrath on us. But we are saved through grace. Saved through Jesus. Made perfect in Him. Believe in the name of Jesus. Confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that He is the only way to salvation. Because He is. Again you are faced with a choice. A choice between freedom and captivity. A choice between holiness and sin. A choice between heaven and hell. A choice between life and death. What do you choose today?
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