Sunday, 13 September 2015

No more darkness!

Darkness makes us blind to the truth. When we live in darkness, we live by our own standards. We set our rules and soak in sin. The world we now live in is filled with darkness. People start making compromises just to have a sense of belonging. There is no difference between right and wrong. There is a huge sense of insecurity, depression and loneliness. We cling on to what we find in the dark. Our hope is not anchored. There's nothing that could give us an eternal peace and happiness as long as we float in darkness. One leads another but little do they know that they both are drifting towards nothingness. 

That is why Jesus came. He is the light of the world! Darkness cannot overcome His light and where He is, there no place for darkness! In Him we see ourselves more clearly. He makes us realise that we were looking for peace in the wrong place. Love from the wrong person. Hope from something hopeless. All along we've been holding on to something that we should've let go of long back! 

As you look at the paths you've taken, the trails you've left behind, a sense of shame grips you. But Jesus, wipes away that disgrace and gives you a fresh start. When you forget your past, surrender your present, then you've got a hope for your future. A new life in Him. In His light we have clarity and not confusion. Hope and not despair. Peace and not stress. Love and not loneliness. Laughter and not depression. In Him you have life and have it more abundantly(John 10:10). You are no longer a slave of darkness but a child of light( John 12:36). So forget the things of the dark and walk in the light. Allow Jesus in your heart. He loves you and will give you the love, joy, hope and peace you need, no matter what situation you are in! 

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