Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Abundant life!

We often get caught up in our pursuit of happiness that we forget to pause and enjoy life. We are trapped in a web of worry and stress about the future that we forget to live the present to the fullest. Enjoying life means that we be content with what we have. When we're not content then nothing could ever satisfy us. We succumb to pressure, that we turn to things that give us momentary pleasure. Things like a wrong relationship, drugs and alcohol that provide a temporary relief. Little do we know that these are eating us up. We're consuming slow poison.  A relief that will very soon turn into the greatest regret. 

The devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour you and me(1 Peter 5:8). All He does is steal your joy, peace and happiness. He looks to sow the seeds of depression, hate and bitterness and murder our soul and crush our spirit. He will not relax until we're completely extinguished and destroyed. Until we're ready to rot in hell. Initially what he offers us will look attractive but at the end we will realise that they are in fact destructive. 

But don't worry. Our redeemer lives!! ( job 19:25). He has bought us at a price( 1 Corinthians 6:19). He has redeemed us from the clutches of sin and death and gifted us the joy of salvation. He came to give us life in abundance. In the midst of worldly sorrow and pain, you will still be able to look at your life, smile and thank God for His goodness. You will be able to withstand the storm. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. Nothing can ever discourage you and put you down. Because your eyes are always fixed on Jesus alone! He came to give you an eternal life! Eternal peace, truth, happiness and comfort. Jesus wants you to live and not die. He wants you to spend eternity in heaven with Him. All you've got to do is accept the offer and try Jesus. 

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