Saturday, 5 September 2015

God's love

LOVE! A word so easily misinterpreted by the world. God is the true definition of love. God is love. God created the heavens and the earth. 'Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness'(Genesis 1:2). By His Word therefore God made the world. He created you and me and we became His world. All He ever thinks about is you and me. All He ever wants is a personal relationship with each one of us. All He wants is to be with you and me. Forever. But then sin entered the world and it prevented us from being who God wanted us to be. Nothing could ever redeem us back to Him but the blood of Jesus. No sin offering too great could make us good enough to inherit the gift of salvation but Jesus.
And that is the reason God sent down His one and only Son! To take our place on the cross, to die a death of shame, to take away our disgrace! The same Jesus who saw us being formed in our mother's womb knew He had to die so that we would live! God loves us so much that He sacrificed His own Son for us. Nothing else matters to Him except you and me. Even before the creation of the world He chose us and in love destined us to be adopted as His children. This gave Him pleasure and it was all He ever wanted(Ephesians 1:4,5). Even the mountains can be brought down to nothing and the hills could vanish into thin air but His unfailing love for you will never be shaken(Isaiah 54:10). 
A caterpillar would've never thought there's life beyond the cocoon. The cocoon is its world. It can crawl inside as much as it wants. To its heart's content. It laughs at the thought of being able to fly. The thought of life outside the cocoon is just ridiculous. But hey, it comes out of that small cocoon as a beautiful butterfly. Dressed in the best of colours. Once looked upon with disgust, everyone now looks at it with such joy and awe. It defies gravity as it flies above the ground. Flower to flower it flies. Living on honey all its life! 
There is life after death. Unlike the butterfly we will live forever once we get out of this cocoon like world! That's exactly why Jesus came down to earth(1 John 5:11,12, Hebrews 9:28). Life not as another avatar but just as how we are now. Heaven is much more beautiful than the most beautiful places on earth. Is heaven part of the list of places you want to visit? The best part is when you accept Jesus you've just gained a one way ticket to heaven. What more? You've become a citizen in the kingdom of God for eternity! To live with the Only one who is truly, deeply in love with you. God is love and no other! Jesus loves you!! 

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