Monday 10 August 2015

For Good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28(NIV)

When you love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength, then right from the smallest thing as silly as not waking up because your alarm did not go off, to the most painful and bitter experience in your life, has all happened together for your own good! There is a higher calling! A greater purpose! Remember, Jesus went through excruciating pain for you and me. It was you and I who deserved to be on that cross. He loves us and considers us too precious to be bought by silver or gold. That is the reason He bought us by shedding His own blood down to the last drop. That is how much He loves us.
                                         Often we ask,''Why has God let this happen to me?'' We may not have wronged anyone intentionally. We may have a good heart and be at peace with everyone around us. Yet, we get wounded. We get hurt. Life hits us hard. Let me remind you something. As long as Jesus was on earth, He went about doing good. Made the blind, see. Deaf, hear. Dumb, speak. Lame,walk. Dead, live. He restored healing. He set the captives free. He preached and lived a life of love. Yet, men spat on His face. He was humiliated. He was given a crown of thorns. He went through a death that even the greatest sinner was spared of. You and I would've been on that cross. Instead,it was Jesus. The sinless lamb of God!
                                         Through all of this He was not angry with God. He never complained. But thanks be to God, that because of the death of Jesus and the power of His resurrection you and I eluded our spot on the cross. Through Jesus, we have become more than conquerors, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession. Whatever that has happened to you so far in your life, is going to work out for your own good at the end. You may not see it now. But there is a God above who is putting all the fine pieces of the puzzle together. You are being sculpted into a beautiful masterpiece! Your life is scripted by the Author of our Salvation!